Stella marina

Autre(s) titre(s): Stella
Genre: Feature film
Année: 1912
Durée: 00:15:00
Description: With the slightest material by way of plot, the Cines Company has produced in "Stella" a picture of quite unusual beauty, and the artistic work of a company of actors, whose work for the screen is unexcelled , makes it also of quite unusual interest. The final scene is laid in the neighbourhood of Sorrento, and surely no love story could have a more idyllic setting. We see the white-walled houses clustered in picturesque confusion on the slopes of the hills; the fishing boats grouped on the beach like brooding waterfowl; the nets, drying in the sun, in festoons as graceful as the spider webs which decorate the early morning rose bushes; we got exquisite glimpses of the Bay of Naples. So slight a story necessarily depends for its interest on the treatment it receives at the hands of the players, and the of the Cines Company, who have achieved so many successes in every description of drama, are no less at home in the simple surroundings of a fishing village. They handle their boats and their nets, their lobsters and their love affairs, with a directness and spontaneity which create a convincingly natural effect. Miss Saredo, in particular, who has done so much good work for the screen, makes a delightful figure of the pretty and charmingly wayward heroine, and is the fascinating central figure of a dainty and highly artistic little play. “The Bioscope”, 14th November 1912. Film restored in collaboration with Cineteca del Friuli and Archive Film Agency.
Fournisseur: Cineteca di Bologna
Droits: In Copyright / For information about the rights holder please contact Cineteca di Bologna.
Société de production: Cines
Couleur: Colour
Sound: Without sound
Type de document:
Recueil: Cineteca di Bologna Film Collection
Language: en